News & information
March 2015

The Postal Record, Vol. 128, No. 3
Cover story
- An injury to one is an injury to all: A guide to NALC’s hands-on help for navigating the workers’ compensation labyrinth
News and features
- NALC’s Regional Workers’ Compensation Assistants
- ‘Fantastic’ first quarter helps USPS start 2015 on a positive note; Another disappointing White House budget proposal; Capitol Hill takes on some of USPS’ issues; Building coalitions and alliances; NALC heads to Houston for 2015 rap session
- Strike remembered in oral histories; New RAAs, Headquarters staff appointed; Arbitration training; CDRAAP training
- Local work is key to Food Drive success
- NALC to help commemorate Selma-to-Montgomery 50th anniversary
- Proud to Serve
- Monthly columns by national officers and staff members
President’s Message
Does the new PMG see the glass as half-full?
Cover: An injury to one is an injury to all
A guide to NALC’s hands-on help for navigating the workers’ compensation labyrinth; NALC’s Regional Workers’ Compensation Assistants
News: ‘Fantastic’ first quarter helps USPS start 2015 on a positive note
Also: Another disappointing White House budget proposal; Capitol Hill takes on some of USPS’ issues; Building coalitions and alliances; In the news media; NALC heads to Houston for 2015 rap session
News: Local work is key to Food Drive success
Some of the hardest work taking place ahead of America’s largest one-day food drive is happening on the ground at branches across the country.
News: Strike remembered in oral histories
Also: New RAAs, Headquarters staff appointed; Arbitration training; CDRAAP training
Staff reports
Government Affairs: The importance of resolutions; Research: ‘A deep financial hole’? Not so, says new report; Community and Membership Outreach: Branches step up to ‘Stamp Out Hunger’
Proud to Serve
Honoring heroic letter carriers
News: NALC to help commemorate Selma-to-Montgomery 50th anniversary
All eyes will turn to Alabama this month as the nation commemorates the 50th anniversary of the historic Selma to Montgomery civil rights march of 1965.
Executive Vice President
Customer Connect winners; Proposed postal rates being considered; Consumer Reports recently compared FedEx, UPS and USPS; Download ‘USPS Mobile’ app
Vice President
National arbitration—some results: Two of the pending national-level cases that were reported on in January have been resolved in the last few weeks.
Contract Talk
Reading PS Form 1840 Reverse
Regardless of branch income, including those branches that receive no local dues, a Form 990, 990-EZ or 990-N must be filed annually; Officer information list; CCAs; Reciprocal agreement; Reporting to the Department of Labor
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
Common issues that pertain to branch meetings: Regular branch meetings; Who presides at meetings; Special meetings; Notice of special meetings; Quorum
Director of City Delivery
City delivery updates: New scanner functionality update; CDRAAP; New vehicles; City carrier assistant conversions to full-time career status
Director of Safety and Health
A life and a family’s happiness saved—seatbelts do work
Director of Retired Members
The big lie—The attacks against Social Security
Director of Life Insurance
Mutual Benefit Association’s Immediate Annuity: When an individual gives an insurance company a lump sum of money in exchange for a guaranteed income stream starting immediately
Director, Health Benefit Plan
Fraud, waste and abuse: The NALC Health Benefit Plan is committed to combating health care fraud, waste and abuse through the prevention, detection, investigation and civil/criminal prosecution of fraud, waste and abuse.
Director of Education
We hit the ground running: NALC education programs were off to a fast start in 2015.
Assaulted on the job?
A shared future, a shared vision
Letter from the Editor
A key period for letter carriers