News & information
Last Tuesday, the 114th Congress convened and all 535 members of the House and Senate were sworn in. In the house, there are 247 Republicans and 188 Democrats; in the Senate, 54 Republicans and 44 Democrats, plus two Independents who will continue caucusing with the Democrats.
With 74 new members of Congress coming in, letter carriers have a lot of work to do as we prepare for this session and the proposals that are sure to come quickly. With regard to letter carrier issues, our continued emphasis will be on addressing the pre-funding burden, the importance of maintaining services such as six-day mail delivery and door delivery, and fighting against operational cuts while promoting initiatives that would allow the Postal Service to innovate to serve the needs of residential and business customers. If your member of Congress is new, we encourage you to make contact and apprise him or her about the importance of the U.S. Postal Service in your district.
As you know, House and Senate recesses and district work periods provide an ideal opportunity for you to engage with members of Congress while they are at home, and we encourage all letter carriers to use those opportunities during these in-district dates. Click here to view the 114th congressional calendar for the House and Senate.
Please contact the NALC Department of Government Affairs if you have any questions.