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Today, the Senate is expected to take a vote that would open the door to consider repealing and replacing healthcare legislation, which is expected to strip more than 20 million Americans of health insurance.
The American Health Care Act (H.R. 1628), which passed the House in May, would gut Medicaid (the program for poor kids, disabled Americans and the elderly in nursing homes), decimate tax credits for those purchasing coverage on healthcare exchanges, and slash taxes for corporations and the wealthy. It would shift costs to employer plans like those covering letter carriers and weaken insurance regulations that prohibit annual benefit limits, lifetime caps and discrimination against those with pre-existing conditions. Amendments cannot fix this bill, which is opposed by every corner of the health care industry and the American people by overwhelming margins. (The bill has a 16 percent approval rating).
While all 48 Democrats will oppose taking up the bill, several Republican senators are on the fence. NALC members represented by Republican senators are urged to call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to tell your senators to oppose considering this bill at this time. Tell your senators to start over on a bipartisan bill to strengthen health care, not destroy it.