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Should we call H.R. 2309 the Issa-Ross (So-Called) Postal Reform Bill—or could we realistically call it the Issa-Donahoe (So-Called) Postal Reform Bill?
Today, during a hearing of the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee’s Subcommittee on the Federal Workforce, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe was asked by Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) about Donahoe’s support for elements of the service-destroying, job-killing Issa-Ross postal reform bill, H.R. 2309.
In response, the postmaster general admitted that he supports “practically everything in the bill.”
Amash: Chairman Ross and Chairman Issa wrote a comprehensive postal reform bill last year that was passed by the subcommittee and the full Oversight Committee. It is full of cost-saving measures that will revitalize the Postal Service. What parts of H.R. 2309 does the Postal Service support?
Donahoe: We support the FERS refund. We support the ability to move and consolidate the network. We support the ability to move to consolidate from six-day to five-day delivery. Practically everything in the bill, we are in support.
“It’s disappointing that the postmaster general—who is tasked with ensuring the health of USPS and should be focused on growing and expanding the Postal Service—would so readily embrace legislation that threatens to dismantle USPS piece-by-piece and that has very little support in the House,” NALC President Fredric Rolando said.
Click here to read the NALC’s Fact Sheet on our many problems with H.R. 2309.
“Congress needs to do its part to create legislation that will strengthen and improve the U.S. Postal Service as an essential component of American infrastructure,” Rolando said. “Unfortunately, the Issa-Ross bill would do neither. It would, in fact, degrade and destroy the USPS.”
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