News & information
Heavier satchels: Political advertising spending in 2014 is expected to reach a record $2.4 billion. But a handful of political strategists say there's too much reliance on “splashy” TV campaigns, since those ads can't precisely target voters. How has this spending translated into the amount of political mail you've been carrying? (The Washington Post)
Don’t mess with nurses: In general, membership in organized labor has suffered serious declines over the last 30-plus years. But National Nurses United says it’s way too early to pronounce the movement dead. (The Atlantic)
Grazie, USPS: While expressing his appreciation for the Postal Service, a newspaper columnist gets a lesson on postal reality from a retired USPS worker, who says that congressional meddling remains a problem for the agency. (Middletown, NY Times-Herald)
Cluster-box complaints: Canada Post’s moves to take away door delivery of mail in urban areas should serve as a case study for U.S. politicians who think the same type of absurd ideas would fly in this country. Canadians are raising concerns over safety and security—but is Canada Post listening? (The Globe and Mail, Toronto)
Picking cherries: Britain's Communication Workers Union worries that universal mail service in the UK is being undermined by the ability of competitors to abandon service in some areas in favor of more profitable service in others. (Post & Parcel)