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USPS recently updated the Wound Warriors Leave policy effective January 5, 2019. Eligible military veterans will be credited with 104 hours of Wounded Warriors Leave each leave year going forward. This is a significant improvement over the previous policy which provided this benefit as a one-time occurrence only.
The Postal Service released an updated Management Instruction EL-510-2019-2 (M-01901) setting forth policy guidelines and standard procedures for administering this category of leave. This new instruction replaces Management Instruction EL-510-2016-8 (M-01881).
Click here for latest copy of the management instruction outlining the policy guidelines established for the administration of Wounded Warriors Leave, and click here for PS Form 5980. These documents can also be found on the Military Veterans, Contract Administration Unit and City Delivery pages. For more information on Wounded Warriors Leave see Vice President Lew Drass’ article or Contract Talk in the December 2018 issue of The Postal Record.