News & information
August-September 2018

The Postal Record, Vol. 131, No. 8
Cover story
- The Spirit of Solidarity: Day-by-day coverage of NALC's 71st Biennial Convention
News and features
- NALC election ballots set to be mailed
- CCAs with at least 30 months of relative standing to be converted to career status
- Contract COLA update; Stewart promoted to HBP, more appointments; Carrier recovers from car crash
- Letter Carrier Pay Schedule
- News from Washington: House Resolution 993 a rallying call in the House, McHenry amendment voted down, NALC briefs Capitol Hill, AFL-CIO’s unanimous resolution against USPS privatization, Looking ahead, National arbitration award reverses USPS’s unilateral changes on political LWOP, USPS releases Q3 financial report, Vote at Home Institute and Coalition gets an executive director, and In the media
- Children of NALC members receive scholarships
- Appeals court upholds dismissal of lawsuit
- Updated Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive results
- NALC Financial Statement
- Proud to Serve
- Customer Connect
- Whatever the Weather: The Graceful Envelope Contest
- Monthly columns by national officers and staff members
President's Message
The third time is not the charm
NALC election ballots set to be mailed
The National Election Committee met on Aug. 13 in Washington, DC, to set the rules and procedures for the contested national and regional elections, as laid out in the NALC Constitution.
CCAs with at least 30 months of relative standing to be converted to career status
NALC and USPS have settled a number of national-level grievances, including a grievance regarding city carrier assistant (CCA) conversions to career status.
Contract COLA update; Stewart promoted to HBP, more appointments; Carrier recovers from car crash
The fifth regular cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for career letter carriers under the 2016-2019 National Agreement is $645 annually following the release of the July 2018 Consumer Price Index.
Letter Carrier Pay Schedule
City Carrier Wage Schedule: Effective Sept. 1, 2018
News from Washington
House Resolution 993 a rallying call in the House, McHenry amendment voted down, NALC briefs Capitol Hill, AFL-CIO’s unanimous resolution against USPS privatization, Looking ahead, More
Children of NALC members receive scholarships, Appeals court upholds dismissal of lawsuit
Two children of NALC members have won scholarships from the AFL-CIO-sponsored Union Plus program.
Updated Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive results
Corrections and a new top 110 branches by size category list.
The Spirit of Solidarity
Day-by-day coverage of NALC's 71st Biennial Convention
NALC Financial Statement
Unconsolidated statement of cash receipts and cash disbursements by fund for the six months ended March 31, 2018
Proud to serve
Honoring heroic carriers in Colorado, Wisconsin, California, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, Alabama, Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Illinois
Customer Connect adds up for USPS
Carriers are recognized for generating leads in Iowa, New Hampshire, Calfiornia and Missouri
Graceful Envelope Contest
Hundreds entered into the 24th annual Graceful Envelope Contest, a celebration of the art of written correspondence sponsored by the National Association of Letter Carriers in conjunction with the Washington Calligraphers Guild.
Veterans Group
Looking out for veterans at the branch level
Executive Vice President
New benefits for former CCAs on conversion to career status
Vice President
National-level arbitration update
Frequently asked IRS questions
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
Election season promises to be busy, with lots to consider
Director of City Delivery
Class acts at the convention
Director of Safety and Health
The heat is on, revealing management’s true colors
Director of Retired Members
NALC embraces retirees as few other unions do
Director of Life Insurance
Insurance and retirement plans for city carrier assistants
Director, Health Benefits
Health Assessments can pay off in more ways than one
Contract Talk
Contractual rights for PTFs
Community Services
We are stronger together
Workers’ Compensation
OWCP tightens procedures for prescribing opioids
Stuff you missed in history class: The Flint Sit-Down Strike, Conclusion
At MDA summer camps, enrichment for kids of all ages